Educational Programs

Three Year Educational Plan — UP’s educational programs are designated by Alberta Education as a Level Two accredited funded private school authority. Students who attend our schools may come to us from our group homes, treatment homes, or tuition agreements.

Many students have been diagnosed with severe emotional or behavioural disorders, and struggle to find success in a community school setting. They often come to our school functioning significantly below grade level due to factors such as a mental health diagnosis; organic brain dysfunction; FASD; Autism; Tourette syndrome; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; severe behavioural challenges as a result of Oppositional Defiant Disorder; Conduct Disorder; abuse; or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

We are able to provide small classrooms with a 3:1 student to staff ratio where students get the structure and supports to find success in school.

Our schools

We have four schools:

  • Thomas More Academy (Edmonton)
  • Phoenix Academy (Edmonton)
  • Columbus Academy (Stony Plain)
  • Bright Bank Academy (Stony Plain area)

Partnering School Boards

We have worked with:

  • Parkland
  • Evergreen Catholic
  • Sturgeon
  • St. Albert Public
  • Greater St. Albert Catholic
  • Alexander First Nation
  • Elk Island Catholic
  • Elk Island Public
  • Edmonton Catholic
  • Pembina Hills
  • Black Gold
  • Wetaskiwin Public

Individualized programming

We offer a highly-structured and supportive special education program that includes supervision throughout the day. Individual program plans are developed for all students in consultation with the treatment team. We provide students the opportunity to acquire skills needed for re-entry into community schools, and to be positive and productive contributors to society.

Extra-curricular programs

In addition to the core curriculum subjects, we offer an athletic program and an activity program.

Our additional optional courses to supplement the core curriculum include:

  • off-campus work experience
  • outdoor education
  • home economics
  • fashion design
  • career and technology studies (CTS)
  • computer studies
  • art
  • music
  • drama

Indigenous Education

We acknowledge and embrace our commitment to our First Nations, Metis and Inuit educational needs.

In ongoing consultation and collaboration with the Indigenous Engagement Resources at Unlimited Potential Community Services, we honour best practices on teaching a culturally respected and appropriate Indigenous curriculum.


Three-Year Education Plan

View the Three-Year Education Plan (PDF)

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

View 2024-2025 School Year Calendar

 Safe and Caring School Policy

View the Bill 24 Policy-Safe and Caring Schools (PDF)

 Annual Education Results Reports (AERR)

View the AERR (PDF)

 2021/2022 School audited financial statements

View the Statements(PDF)

For more information on our educational programs please contact:

Kelly Milliken, Principal
Email (
780-440-0708 Ext 224

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge Treaty 6 territory—the traditional and ancestral territory of the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux , Nakota Sioux and Métis Peoples. We acknowledge the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit who have lived in and cared for these lands since time immemorial. We respect their histories, languages, and cultures whose presence continues to enrich our community. We are grateful for the traditional Elders and Knowledge Keepers who are still with us today and those who have gone before us. We make this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to those whose territory we are visiting and striving to live in harmony with.

Unlimited Potential Community Services

We welcome your questions and comments.
UP’s main administrative office is located in Edmonton, Alberta.


P: 780-440-0708
Centre 170, Suite 145
10403 – 172 Street
Edmonton, AB, T5S 1K9

Contact UP

P: 780-440-0708
Dial 200 for reception